23 feb 2009

Documental Man on Wire gana el Oscar

El documental Man on Wire (recomendado por este blog) acaba de ganar el Oscar en la categoría documentary feature. Los discursos de orden del director James Marsh, el productor Simon Chinn y el protagonista/equilibrista (vean su genialidad en la foto) Philippe Petit fueron como siguen:
James Marsh:
It doesn't feel right to be up here on my own, so Philippe you got about 20 seconds to get up here, as you do. Thank you to everyone who was in the film. Thank you to everyone who worked on the film. Thank you to my dear wife Anne Mette and my lovely daughters Anna May and Ida. This is for you, girls. Nothing's impossible.

Simon Chinn:
Time is short, but I want to thank my beautiful wife Lara, my two boys Haroun and Jonah, may they continue to have big dreams, but may they please not do what this man does.

Philippe Petit:
The shortest speech in Oscar history: "Yes!" But I always the break the rule, I break my own rules very quickly and of course this film would have not been made without my Kathy. And also, Werner, I always carry the coin you gave me. And you were right. We won. So now it's time to thank the Academy for believing in magic.

(Fuente: Oscar.com)

El video de la premiación


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